
第28章 讲讲那些年看过的电视剧一


Zh zhī H hòu Ji jiù sh shì B bù sh shì Xu xuù p píng Gu guì B bn nà G gè Xi xiù qi qiú G gěi qi qiǎng w wán le Ji jiù After that, did Xue Pinggui finish grabbing the Hydrangea?

shì yóu yú zhè shì huáng shàng dìng de guī jǔ rán hòu nà gè wáng chéng xiāng jiù

Do you dare to say that you dont love money, because you love money to death, okay? True sh shì y y à o B ù R rán y y ě B bù Gu guò Ji jiù sh shì n nà G gè n nán zh zht tā de y ǎng f fù B bù Yes, or else its just the man. His foster father is not sh shì Ji jiù sh shì sh shēng B bìng l lā n nà t tā H hái Xi xiǎng zhe Q qù zh zhèng qi qián G gān ma y yā G gān is sick! Then why does he still want to earn money? Do Cu cuì Z zì J JQ qù Xu xué y yī H hǎo le y yā R rán H hòu Ji jiù G gěi t tā y yǎng f fù zh zhì B bìng t tā. Then he will go to study medicine and treat his adoptive father. He y yě m mé I G gān y yā. Zh zhǎn de sh shì zh zhǎn de du duì zh zhè zh zhng n nán zh zhzh zhǎn de H hěn w wú y y didnt do it either. Im really speechless for this kind of man.

hǎo ma dāng shí hái jué dé zhè gè nán zhǔ hǎo shuài yā hǎo shuài yā rán hòu

Okay? At that time, I thought the man was so handsome, so handsome, and then.

hòu lái jiù shì ràng wáng bǎo chuàn kǔ shǒu le shí bā nián de hǎi yáng yě jué

Later, it was the ocean that Wang Baochuan had been guarding for eighteen years.

dé āi yā méi shá lā bì jìng nán nǚ zhǔ jiǎo ma duì bā bì jìng yào jīng

Come on, its nothing. After all, the hero and heroine, right? After all, they have to go through.

lì yī xiē mó nán dàn shì zhēn de méi yǒu xiǎng dào shì shí bā nián shí bā

I went through some hardships, but I really didnt think it would be eighteen years.

nián yā zhè gè páng dà de shù zì yā jiù shì wǒ men xiàn zài yī gè hái

The huge number of years is that we are now a child.

zǐ de chéng nián shí jiān zhēn de jiù shì āi zǎ zǎ shuō ne zán yě wú huà

Sons adult time is really, ah, how to say, we have nothing to say.

kě shuō le zhǐ néng jiù shì wáng bǎo chuàn tài diàn nǎo le rán hòu xuē píng guì

It can only be said that Wang Baochuan is too puter, and then Xue Pinggui.

zhēn de shí zài shì tài zhā tài zhā le hǎo bā dà jiā jǐng jiè jǐng jiè nán

Its really, really, really bad. Okay, everybody, watch out, watch out, man.

rén ā yī dìng bù yào xiāng xìn nán rén dōu shì dà zhū tí zǐ hǎo bā

People must not believe that men are big pigs feet!

zuì hòu de jié guǒ ne dāng rán shì xuē píng guì fēi cháng fēi cháng yìng qì de

Whats the final result? Of course, Xue Pinggui is very, very tough.

bǎ wáng chéng xiāng gěi tā zhǔn bèi de nà pán jīn zǐ cóng jiù shì nà gè shì

Take the dish of gold that Prime Minister Wang prepared for him from that attendant.

wèi de shǒu zhōng ná le guò lái rán hòu dāng zhe tā men de miàn bǎ nà gè

Wei took it from his hand and held it in front of them.

jīn zǐ dǎo zài dì xià dāng shí ā nà xiē shì wèi kàn zhè fān xīn sī

The gold fell to the ground. At that time, the guards looked at this thought.

jiù shì tā men dōu kàn zhe zhè fān xīn sī rán hòu kàn zhe xiē bīng guì de

That is, they all look at this idea, and then look at some ice and expensive.

zhè fān zuò tài jiù shì dōu dèng dà le yǎn jīng jiù zhè me xiǎng zhe wǒ

This gesture, that is, all stare big eyes, so think of me.

zhè nán de zěn me zhè me nǎo cán yā shì bā bù ài qián ma tā hěn

Why is this man so stupid, isnt he? Dont you love money? Hes very

ài qián yā duì bù duì dàn shì tā jiù shì nà yàng zǐ bù xiǎng ràng bié

Love money, dont you? But thats just the way he is. He doesnt want to leave.


