网站PC Gamer强烈呼吁人们,“放下彼此间无关紧要的小分歧,把票投给‘摆烂模式’”,哪怕只是为了阻止无脑随大流的“#我支持”和十分邪恶的“元宇宙”当选。
The internet obeyed, delivering a whopping 93 percent of the more than 340,000 votes cast to“goblin mode.“
网友们很配合,在超过34万张投票中,有高达93%的票投给了“goblin mode”。
As for“goblin mode,“ it will surely enjoy another spike thanks to the publicity around the Word of the Year. But to use an adjective added to the O.E.D. in June— is it now officially cringe?
就“goblin mode”这个词本身来讲,由于人们对2022年度词汇的关注,它肯定会迎来新一轮热度。不过,如果借用《牛津英语词典》6月新增的一个形容词词条“cringe”的说法,现在“goblin mode”是不是已经“尬住了”?
Martin laughed.“Almost certainly.“